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Play Game - Week 7
Answer each question before its "pick by" time or the computer will select the most picked answer for you. All times Central.
Status My Pick Away Team %Pick My Pick Home Team %Pick
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- South Carolina 20 1% --- Georgia 17 99%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Oklahoma 34 89% --- Texas 27 11%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Georgia Tech 23 3% --- Duke 41 97%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Florida State 14 1% --- Clemson 45 99%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Michigan St. 0 3% --- Wisconsin 38 97%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Washington St. 34 17% --- Arizona State 38 83%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Iowa State 38 86% --- West Virginia 14 14%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Texas Tech 30 13% --- Baylor 33 87%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Ole Miss 27 8% --- Missouri 38 92%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Arkansas 20 11% --- Kentucky 24 89%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- USC 27 2% --- Notre Dame 30 98%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Penn State 17 88% --- Iowa 12 12%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Florida 28 6% --- LSU 42 94%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) --- Washington 51 90% --- Arizona 27 10%
Finished (Worth 1 Points) Alabama 47 99% Texas A&M 28 1%
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